Skol Sharks
Modeling, carving and finish of hyper-realistic sharks dummies, for TV spot & "Um por todos. Todos por uma" advertising campaign, launched at the Brazilian market.
Modeling, carving and finish of hyper-realistic sharks dummies, for TV spot & "Um por todos. Todos por uma" advertising campaign, launched at the Brazilian market.
Airplane hold set + Overscaled bottle prop + SFX, for Powerade's TV spot, introducing the energy drink ION 4, launched at the argentinian market.
Vending machine as gate opening system, for Coca-Cola's BTL action & "Destapá la magia de la Navidad" advertising campaign, launched at the Argentinian market.
Poolball for Budweiser's BTL action for the Argentinian market, introducing a new game: to play soccer on an oversized pool table, combinating their rules and allowing sport, night, fun and beer to get along.